Dapper Travel Diaries: Week 10 (Back in the Carolinas)
Week 10 was a great travel week. We’re getting back into our groove, moving around several times this week and knocking golf courses off the list! We drove from Savannah to Hilton Head to Myrtle Beach. And somewhere in between, Jordan was on the Golf Channel with an update on our trip.
Day 62 – Savannah RV park
After celebrating my birthday weekend outside of Savannah, we packed up and headed for the city. On the way to Savannah, we took Miss Ella to a great little dog park. Only problem, it was the middle of the day when everyone is at work so she was the only dog in the park. Jordan took up the slack and made sure she played her heart out as you can see from the picture below.
I discovered there is RV parking in the center of Savannah for $8 a night at the Visitor Center. We weren’t really sure what to expect but when we got there, it instantly felt like “home” for the next 2 days. There were so many fellow RVers hanging out, and being in the heart of downtown Savannah, it was definitely the best parking lot RV spot we’ve had so far!
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Day 63 – Starbucks office
Jordan has never been to Savannah, so we did some exploring with Ella (our dog) who seemed to love the cobblestone streets, waterfront views and people watching. After we got our exercise and site seeing in for the day, we took a little work break at a Starbucks downtown to charge up our batteries.
Ella isn’t allowed in the coffee shop so she had to stay back in the RV. That didn’t stop me from checking in on her — see my phone propped up on my laptop screen? That’s me being a helicopter dog mom watching her from our pet cam in the rig. I always keep an eye on her and Mr. P (our cat) when we’re away for a few hours.
We were planning to stay another night in Savannah, but we got a call last minute and headed to Hilton Head for a fun early morning interview on the Golf Chaxnnel.
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Day 64 – Morning Drive interview + Harbour Town
After sleeping in a nearby Walmart parking lot, we got up early to head to Hilton Head Island. Jordan had an early morning check-in interview with Matt Ginella on The Morning Drive. We found a great, quiet spot overlooking the golf course from the second floor of the Harbour Town Golf Links clubhouse to do the interview. The only problem, Jordan is so tall (6’5” to be exact) that an average table wouldn’t cut it. So we got creative with the furniture around us. I think we nailed it.
After the interview, out on the golf course we went. We actually visited Harbour Town a few years ago, and I instantly fell in love with the tall trees and gorgeous property. Some things never change! Check out all the action from the round in the latest video (Episode 12: Harbour Town).
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Day 65 – Time for new batteries and a campground stay
We are quickly learning more and more about our RV systems and how they need to be upgraded if we are going to keep boondocking (not plugged up to electricity or water). We woke up in the Walmart parking lot with a close to dead battery even though we barely used any electricity in the RV overnight.
So, I found a cheap campground about an hour away so we could charge our RV house battery and have an excuse to do laundry. As you can see, the animals enjoyed a lazy day not lifting a finger to help. I also spent a good 6 hours researching our battery upgrade. Solar is next!
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Day 66 – Campground cleanup and errands
After a glorious night full of electricity at the campground, we packed up and started our trek to Pawley’s Island for the next round of golf. On the way, we did our weekly errands – grocery store, pet store, post office, propane fill-up. We also took an unexpected detour. Our GPS was supposed to get us to our next Walmart location but, instead, dumped us in this gorgeous, quiet field near the water which was the perfect little play date for Ella.
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Day 67 – Golf by day, Bachelorette party by night
We had an early morning round on Pawley’s Island at Caledonia Golf & Fish Club (video episode coming soon). I knew that’s where we’d be for a week now. For some reason, I assumed Pawley’s Island was in Charleston (that’s what I get for assuming). See, my soon-to-be sister-in-law was having her Bachelorette Party in Myrtle Beach at the same time. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it because of the trip. That is until I realized Pawley’s Island is just south of Myrtle!
After our round, I took a little nap to rest up with my fur babies then got ready to hit the town to celebrate with my sister-in-law. Jordan dropped me off in the RV and come to pick me up late night. Isn’t he so sweet!
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Day 68 – Rainy day inside + dinner with friends
Daylight savings time means sleeping in especially when you wake up to rain. We stayed in Jordan’s friend (Brian)’s driveway. Him and his wife live in Myrtle Beach and Jordan used to come down a good bit to visit and play golf when we lived in Charlotte. So it’s a nice treat to see them while crashing in their driveway (typical). They even made Sunday dinner for us. Just look at that spread. I oooo’ed and aaaaa’ed over how big their kitchen is and all the fun appliances I miss from living in a bigger space.
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We’ll be all over South Carolina the next few weeks which is my home state. That means, we’ll be seeing lots of friends and family while we’re here. I see a lot more driveway living in our near future and, hopefully, a few more home cooked meals!